Leather industry
Leather industry
Bangladesh Leather Industry OVERVIEW Bangladesh leather industry is well established and ranked second in terms of export earnings. Because of its high value addition and huge growth and employment opportunities, leather sector has already been declared a thrust sector of the country. Additionally,recently research is being carried out to produce footwear in combination with leather and other locally sourced natural fibers. Bangladesh accounts for 3% share in the global leather & products market. Almost 95% of its annual output is being exported. The export of leather and leather products increased manifold over the past decades. The compound annual export earnings crossed billion-dollar mark in the year of 2013-2014. The composition of leather and leather goods from Bangladesh underwent a structural change. Whereas in 2008, 62% of all export earnings from the sector came from finished leather, by 2014, this proportion came down to 39%. The growth of the footwear industry has increased from 20% of total sectorial export earnings in 2003 to 43% in 2015. Products such as fabric-based footwear are also now being produced in Bangladesh for global retailers. Because of sustained growth performance and its increasing competitiveness in producing quality products, at least 51 foreign companies have shown interest in establishing footwear units in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Leather Sector: Some Pointers
• Bangladesh has a long established tanning industry which produces around 1.13 % of the world`s leather from a local supply of raw materials.
• The leather sector includes 200 tanneries, 3,500 MSMEs,2500 footwear making units and 90 large firms.
• Bangladesh meets the demand for about 10% of the world’s total leather market.
• The sector generates direct and indirect employment for about 850,000 people, 53% of the workforce are women in the leather products industries.
• Strong environmental activism within the country. Bold industry initiatives in order to improve consumer safety & compliance standards.
• Media, civil society and regulators are vigilant to ensure occupational safety and work environment.
• Promising technology inflow and Foreign Direct Investment.
• Initiatives in leather industry for standardized and distinctive designed products by sophisticated technological production system.
• Enormous potential for future growth (domestic as well as export).
• Aims to reach USD 5 billion annual export by next 5 years.
Estimated livestock population
Livestock population Bovine |
21.5 million heads |
Livestock population Ovine |
28.6 million heads |
Source: Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Estimated annual capacity of raw materials
Bovine hides and skins |
9 million pieces |
Sheepskins and lamb skins |
16 million pieces |
Light leather from sheep and goats |
6.14 million pieces |
Source: Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute & Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA)
Estimated annual production of finished products
Leather Footwear |
364.5 million pairs |
2013 |
Leather Belt |
1.7 billion units |
2013 |
Leather Bag |
80.22 million pieces |
2012 |
Small Leather Goods |
3.1 billion pieces |
2013 |
Source: Baseline Study Report on Leather Goods and Footwear Industries in Bangladesh 2015
Estimated Export Capacity of LFMEAB Members
Leather Footwear |
12 million pairs |
Espadrilles |
12 million pieces |
Leather goods |
1.8. million pieces |
Bangladesh’s Export of Leather and Leather Products
(Value in Million US$)
Category |
2011-2012 |
2012-2013 |
2013-2014 |
2014-2015 |
Leather |
330.16 |
399.73 |
505.54 |
397.54 |
Leather products |
99.36 |
161.62 |
240.09 |
249.16 |
Footwear |
335.51 |
419.32 |
378.54 |
483.81 |
Total (leather & products) |
765.03 |
980.67 |
1124.17 |
1130.51 |
Growth |
17.51% |
28.19% |
32.12% |
0.56% |
Source: Export Promotion Bureau
Major importing countries of Bangladesh Leather and Leather Products & Footwear
The European Union (EU) is the biggest destination for footwear exports accounting 60% share followed by Japan with 30%
Country |
2012-2013 |
2013-2014 |
2014-2015 |
Germany |
72.44 |
103.53 |
142.89 |
China |
41.92 |
172.65 |
165.6 |
Japan |
123.08 |
133.27 |
117.4 |
33.49 |
57.59 |
98.52 |
Spain |
41.96 |
51.96 |
60.01 |
Italy |
37.75 |
38.17 |
44.4 |
France |
22.88 |
21.19 |
25.05 |
UK |
5.98 |
9.34 |
15.7 |
2.6 |
3.24 |
17.51 |
For more information see http://lfmeab.org/images/report/LEATHER_SECTOR_INVESTMENT_BROCHURE_LFMEAB.pdf